So here's a bit of a return to the beasts in bronze for your enjoyment. The first chunk of stuff is finished - Tactical Squad Alkaios and their Rhino, featuring the ever-trusty plasma cannon (for all your Space Marine killing needs) and a new grav gun. At some point I'll actually play a game with them too...
Sergeant Alkaios' head is from the Sternguard kit and is officially my favourite head ever |
Ignore the disembodied legs. More will come of them later... |
Interestingly, I'm writing this while listening to The Independent Characters podcast (which you should check out), discussing the prospect of using a second Primary Detachment in larger games of 40k, and this squad puts me up to, what... 7 Tactical squads...? Yeah. So that's going to happen at some stage. I'd really like to play a huge 40k game using those rules that ISN'T an Apocalypse game - also as an incentive to finish off another Storm Talon, among a few other things (hello, Stalker/Hunter).
I'm also intending to build a Deathwatch kill team, just for a bit of something different; stay tuned for more on that along with a stage-by-stage for my gold armour.