Or at least models that were finished quite close to the start of 2014...
As you may recall from my October post (he says, blowing the cobwebs away) there was a painting challenge going on in the office, with an early December deadline. I had two-and-a-bit-nearly-three months to paint the new Space Marine Strike Force, with the penalty for failure being to buy a pint in Bugman's for anyone who successfully completed their Battle Force. Needless to say, that'd be a pricey round!
So, last time I posted Squad Alkaios of the Minotaurs' 3rd Company, called 'The Stalwarts', for Veteran Sergeant Alkaios' renowned courage and his refusal to arm himself with anything more ornate than a combi-weapon. This time I've got the rest of the Strike Force, which I did finish it time, I'm pleased to say.
Except the Drop Pod. Which I did finish (complete with scenic base) but I figured, a Drop Pod's a Drop Pod. Who cares. Also, by popular request, at the end of this string of photos you'll get to enjoy a step-by-step 'How I do my Bronze armour' photo montage. I bet you can hardly wait ;-)
So, first and foremost:
Brother-Captain Decualion, Keeper of the Labyrinth; Captain of 3rd Company; the Black Brotherhood.
He's the one with the spear and the gangsta lean... |
His command squad are equally nonchalant... |
Except Veteran-brother Aiax who is furious at the squad's lack of being in close combat
I wanted to build a 'surveying the battlefield' commander, given that almost all my other HQ miniatures are very much in the thick of it. Next up, Vanguard squad Deucalion, 'the Strong-Greaved'. These guys will eventually be ten-strong, and brimming with gear as befits an Apocalypse-only squad that will rain from a Thunderhawk Gunship...
Look at all that bling |
Everyone has lightning claws or a Thunder hammer/storm shield. Or an axe. Or a spear, obviously... |
Next we have the gloriously grumpy Tactical Squad Epheus, 'the Bad Omen' - Squad Epheus invariably field flamer and melta weapons to scorch the very earth as they pass. They're also boasting a rather snazzy multi-melta conversion, and a couple of completely badass bullpup-grip bolters. There's a prize* for anyone who can identify those, actually. We also have a Dreadnought, with his decorative and completely unviable battle honours covered over. Oh and some sniper scouts... ho hum.
The multi-melta is pretty cool, I think. |
That guy, front right. Where's his bolter from? |
Scouts. |
Yeah... |
And finally, an armour step by step...
So, first basecoat with Tin Bitz. I use a large drybrush for this, but you don't want to drybrush it. Instead you overbrush, which is basically a bit of a wetter drybrush (ie you haven;t got rid of all the paint from the brush). This is purely for convenience and speed!
Stage two is basically the same, but using Dwarf Bronze or Brazen Brass. Note that I have no clue what the new Citadel paint names are for these...
I know what you're thinking... |
Stage three is a slightly lighter coat of Shining Gold. You're still using a big-ass brush...
... That's G.A.F - Gold As Fuck! (Apologies for this now not being SFW...) |
And at this point you may think, what is this clown telling me to do to my models. But fear not. The final stage is a drybrush of Mithril Silver - as heavy or as light as you want:
Phew... |
When I first started painting these guys, I wanted to achieve a burnished, hand-beaten effect, as though their armour was made of hammered gold. Drybrushing with silver kinda mottles and tones together the three gold stages, and gives it something which (I think) is fairly representative of that pattern of hammer marks you see on hand-crafted copper bowls and suchlike.
So that's that! A heap of models, stay tuned for more. I've got Centurions to paint soon.
*There isn't really a prize.