No pics today, boo.
So Venerable Brother Kolkhis, my Contemptor-Mortis (who shall hereafter be known as Venerable Brother Fail) got his first battlefield outing this evening in a 2000pt game against Rachel from BL (whose stuff you can see at
a much better blog than mine) and he was teh suxor!1!!
In possibly the smallest army I've ever fielded, he was totally outmatched by Ol' Man Steve, rocking two Kheres Assault Cannons for Heavy 12 Rending goodness. This may be a preview of the rules but sshh! it's our seeeekrit. The list is below if anyone is interested. Veteran-heavy, it could be said. We played the objectives mission with Speahead deployment - it ended in a draw, with one objective apiece and the detritus of epic deqathmatch combat over the third objective, right in the middle as was traditional. There would be photos but Rachel did not have her camera.
Man of the match was totally Chaplain Enkomi (of IA10 fame) for holding off Sevatar and a heap of Night Lords assault marines for THE ENTIRE GAME... finally dying to a sneaky chainsword. Those sneaky Night Lords!
Anyway it kicked ass, so I thought I would talk about it. In other news I am off on holiday for a week, before deep striking back in for UK Games Day then boarding the FW Thunderhawk for Games Day Oz in A Land Down Under. No vegemite for me though.
List fun:
Brother-Captain Leonidas, Keeper of the Labyrinth 170
Space Marine Captain (100), Relic Blade (30), Storm Shield (15), Artificer Armour (15), Digital Weapons (10)
Command Squad Polynikes 190
Apothecary and 4 Veterans (115), Company Standard (15), Company Champion (15), pair of lightning claws (30), power sword (15)
Brother-Chaplain Ivanus Enkomi 145
Power fist, Crozius Arcanum, Auxiliary Grenade Launcher, Rosarius, frag and krak grenades, Jump Pack
II Tactical Squad Gaius 195
Sergeant and 9 marines (170), bolters, plasma pistol (15), plasma gun (10), missile launcher (free)
Drop Pod (35) 35
III Tactical Squad Praetus 195
Sergeant and 9 marines (170), bolters, plasma gun (10), power sword (15), multi-melta (free)
I Veteran Squad Alkaios 160
Veteran Sergeant and 4 Veterans (125), Lightning Claw (15), 3 Combi-Plasmas, Combi-Melta (20)
I Veteran Squad Actaeon 435
Veteran Sergeant and 4 Veterans (225), Jump Packs (50), power fist (25), relic blade (15), lightning claw (15), 2 power swords (30), storm shields (75)
Deus Ferrum 300
Land Raider Achilles (300)
Venerable Kolkhis 175
Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought (155), 2 Plasma Cannons (20)